Project: Networkers


Networkers is a desktop address book application used for teaching Software Engineering principles. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

Summary of my contributions

  • Code contributed:
  • Enhancements implemented:

    • Created the following attribute class that belongs to Procedure, and its following testcases:
      • Completion Class
    • Connected Procedure to the different dependencies. This includes:
      • Change testcases and toModelType methods to include Procedure
      • Edit JsonAdaptedClient to ensure that it includes JsonAdaptedProcedure
    • Created DeleteProcCommand and the following accompanying features:
      • Create DeleteProcCommandParser
      • Create Sequence diagram for EditProcCommand.
      • Create test cases for both DeleteProcCommand and DeleteProcCommandParser
      • Maintain coherence of feature in the User Guide and the Developer Guide.
    • Created EditProcCommand and the following accompanying features:
      • Create EditProcCommandParser
      • Create Sequence diagram for EditProcCommand.
      • Create test cases for both EditProcCommand and EditProcCommandParser
      • Maintain coherence of feature in the User Guide and the Developer Guide.
    • Create Default values for Procedure.
    • Maintenance of User Guide and Developer Guide.
  • Contributions to the UG:
    • General standardisation of format and language
    • Heavily involved in the editing of the User Guide before Final Submission.
    • Heavily involved in the editing of the User Guide before Feature Freeze.
    • Worked with Isaac to edit the Model architecture in the User Guide (Procedure-specific).
    • Maintained EditClient Command
    • Maintained DeleteProcCommand Command
    • Maintained EditProcCommand Command
  • Contributions to the DG:
    • General standardisation of format and language
    • Heavily involved in the editing of the User Guide before Final Submission.
    • Maintained DeleteProcCommand Command
    • Maintained EditProcCommand Command
  • Contributions to team-based tasks
    • Created jar file for end of v1.3.
    • Helped to tag final commit for v1.4.
    • Helped to wrap up and closed two milestones.
    • Consistently drafted agendas for meetings.
    • Collated, pinned, and maintained important links in the telegram group check.
  • Review/mentoring contributions: