User Guide
- Quick start
- UI Guide
- Notes about command formats:
- Add a Client:
- Delete a Client:
- Edit a Client:
- Add a Procedure to a Client:
- Delete a Procedure from the Client:
- Edit a Procedure of your Client:
- View All Clients:
- View All Procedures of a Client:
- View all Procedures scheduled on a specified date:
- Calculate the cost of all Procedures on a specified date:
- Marking a Procedure of a Client as Completed:
- Unmarking a Procedure of a Client:
- Locating Clients by Name:
- Clear All Clients:
- Exiting the program:
- Command Summary
Networkers is a desktop app for managing contacts for network technicians, optimised for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, Networkers can get your contact management tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps.
Quick start
Ensure you have Java
or above installed on your computer. -
Download the latest
from here. -
Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your Networkers.
Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI similar to the below should appear in a few seconds. Note how the app contains some sample data.
Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it. e.g. typing
and pressing Enter will open the help window.
Some example commands you can try:
: Lists all clients. -
n/Apple p/91234561 e/ a/311, Bedok Ave 3, #01-15 l/Plan 50GBps t/corporate
: Adds a Client namedApple
to the Networkers. -
: Deletes the 3rd Client shown in the current list. -
1 3
: Deletes the 3rd Procedure that belongs to the 1st Client in the current list. -
1 2 c/67.25
: Edits the Cost of the 2nd Procedure that belongs to the 1st Client to $67.25. -
: Lists the Procedures associated with the 1st Client shown in the client list. -
1 1
: Marks the first Procedure in the first Client as complete. -
: Deletes all Clients. -
: Exits the app.
UI Guide
Using the UI
To use our program, you need to type your commands into the command box as shown in the above image. After typing, press Enter: if you enter a command with correct format and with valid inputs, it will execute the command, or else it will guide you towards rectifying the error.
Tip: The Procedures that belong to your first Client in the Client panel will display on the Procedure panel upon loading the program!
The Features section will be generally further divided into the Format, Notes, and Examples subsections for each of the commands.
- The Format subsection discusses how the command should be structured when you type it on Command box.
- The Note subsection is an optional subsection that contains additional information about the command. It may not be related to the format of the command.
- The Example subsection is an optional subsection that illustrates how Networkers responds during and after executing the example commands.
Notes about command formats:
Words in
refers to the parameters to be supplied by you. For example, inaddClient n/NAME
is a parameter that can be used asaddClient n/John Doe
. -
When more than 1 parameter from the user is required, parameters will be separated with the use of flags, in the form of
For example, in the add command, since more than one parameter needs to be specified, the command takes the form ofn/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER e/EMAIL a/ADDRESS l/PLAN [t/TAG]
. -
Items in square brackets are optional. For example,
can be used asfind Apple Inc
. -
Items with … after them can be used multiple times in a command, including zero times. e.g. [t/TAG]… can be used as
(i.e. 0 times),t/new
, ort/maintenance t/periodic
etc. -
Parameters can be in any order. e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER, p/PHONE_NUMBER n/NAME is also acceptable.
If a parameter is expected only once in the command but you specified it multiple times, only the last occurrence of the parameter will be taken. e.g. if you specify p/12341234 p/56785678, only p/56785678 will be taken.
All indexes are integer-based, in which the maximum value is 2147483647 (231 - 1), as specified by the Java language.
Add a Client: addClient
Add your Client to Networkers. The Client will initially start off with an empty Procedure list.
Format: addClient n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER e/EMAIL a/ADDRESS l/PLAN [t/TAG]...
refers to the command of adding a Client. - This command will not work if there exists another Client in your Networkers contact list with an identical, inclusive of whitespaces, ADDRESS attribute.
- Having two whitespaces will be treated differently from having one whitespace.
- There exist some fields that are mandatory for this function. These fields include their name, phone number, email, address and a (subscription) plan.
- You can add any information for the plan attribute. This behaviour is intentional due to differences in formats adopted by different telecommunication companies.
Tip: Our User Guide uses PLAN NAME + BANDWIDTH for inserting plan attributes, such as Plan 50GBps. Feel free to customise to your own needs!
In Command box:
addClient n/Apple p/91234561 e/ a/311, Bedok Ave 3, #01-15 l/Plan 50GBps t/corporate
- This triggers the addition of the Client to your Client Panel.
- Result shows:
New client added: Apple; Phone: 91234561; Email:; Address: 311, Bedok Ave 3, #01-15; Plan: Plan 50GBps; Tags: [corporate]
In Application:
Delete a Client: deleteClient
Deletes a specified Client in Networkers.
Format: deleteClient <CLIENT INDEX>
refers to the command of deleting an existing Client at the index specified in your Client Panel. -
refers to the ordering number shown in your displayed Client Panel.- The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
In Command box:
deleteClient 5
- This triggers the deletion of the first Client in your Client Panel.
- ❗ When you delete a Client, the Procedures that are tagged to them will be deleted as well.
- Result shows:
Deleted Client: Apple; Phone: 91234561; Email:; Address: 311, Bedok Ave 3, #01-15; Plan: Plan 50GBps; Tags: [corporate]
In Application:
Edit a Client: edit
Edits a specified Client in Networkers.
Format: edit <CLIENT INDEX> [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [l/PLAN] [t/TAG]...
refers to the command of editing the detail of an existing Client at the index specified in your Client Panel. -
refers to the index number shown in the displayed Client Panel.- The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
refers to an optional field for editing your Client’s name. -
refers to an optional field for editing your Client’s contact number. -
refers to an optional field for editing your Client’s email. -
refers to an optional field for editing your Client’s address. -
refers to an optional field for editing your Client’s subscription plan. -
refers to an optional field for editing your Client’s tag.- You can remove all the person’s tags by typing t/ without specifying any tags after it.
- In order to trigger this command, at least one of the following fields must be edited:
. - This command will not allow for edit if there exists another Client in your Networkers contact list with an identical, inclusive of whitespaces, ADDRESS attribute.
- Having two whitespaces will be treated differently from having one whitespace.
- ❗ Note that by editing your Client’s details, you will be overwriting their existing data.
In Command box:
edit 4 n/Apple
- This triggers the editing of the indicated Client.
- Result shows:
Edited Client: Apple; Phone: 66595327; Email:; Address: 3155 Commonwealth Ave W, #05-27; Plan: EXPRESS 200MBps; Tags: [new]; Procedures: Information: Extend international warranty of modem; Date: 06/06/2022 12:25; Cost: $195.00; Completed: falseInformation: Back up their employee data to the cloud database; Date: 20/06/2022 09:55; Cost: $230.00; Completed: falseInformation: Inspect the network performance of their cash register; Date: 23/08/2022 13:15; Cost: $50.00; Completed: false
In Application:
Add a Procedure to a Client: addProc
Adds a specified Procedure to a specified Client in your displayed Client Panel.
refers to the command of adding a Procedure to the Client at the specified index. -
refers to the index number shown in the displayed Client Panel.- The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
refers to the tasks or problems that need to be addressed on the Client’s business site. Blank input for this field will not be valid. -
is the date and time that the Procedure takes place. It accepts inputs in the form ofdd/MM/YYYY HH:MM
, e.g. 20/03/2022 11:30. -
refers to the cost of Procedure that will be charged to your Client. It must be greater than $0 and less than $100 million dollars. The rationale behind a cap for cost would be to prevent technicians from inputting numbers that are too large by accident. Contracts that technicians handle on a day-to-day basis are generally small scale and would be less than $100 million. - If the specified Client already has an identical Procedure, the application will inform you that the Procedure has already been added.
- An identical Procedure refers to a Procedure that contains the exact same information, date and time, and cost.
- If the Procedure Panel was showing the Procedures of another Client prior to executing this command, it will now show the Procedures of the Client that has a Procedure newly added.
- New Procedures will be auto-sorted, in ascending order, based on the date the Procedure will take place.
- It is valid to add Procedures that fall on the exact same date and time.
- This is because some Procedures can be done concurrently through remote control.
- It is valid to add in Procedures that had occurred before.
- This is because some technicians have mentioned that they need to add in past Procedures just for their own record.
In Command box:
addProc 1 i/Install modem c/10.5 d/20/03/2022 11:30
- This triggers the addition of a Procedure to the first Client.
- Result shows:
New Procedure added: Information: Install modem; Date: 20/03/2022 11:30; Cost: $10.50; Completed: false
In Application:
Delete a Procedure from the Client: deleteProc
Deletes a Procedure associated with your Client. This is important as it allows you to maintain and make changes to the database.
refers to the command of deleting a Procedure from the Client at the specified index. -
refers to the index number shown in the displayed Client Panel.- The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
refers to the index number shown in the displayed Procedure Panel.- The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
- If the Procedure Panel was showing the Procedures of another Client prior to executing this command, it will now show the Procedures of the Client that has their Procedure deleted.
In Command box:
deleteProc 1 3
- Result shows:
Deleted Procedure: Information: Run a network diagnostic test; Date: 05/04/2022 11:55; Cost: $10.00; Completed: true
- Result shows:
Before Command:
After Command:
Edit a Procedure of your Client: editProc
Edits an existing Procedure that belongs to an existing Client. This feature allows you to edit the main details related to the Procedure. The main details include the information, the date and time, and the cost of the Procedure.
refers to the command of editing an existing Procedure from an existing Client. -
refers to the ordering number of the Client displayed on the Client screen.- The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
refers to the ordering number of the Procedure displayed on the Procedure screen (that is associated with a Client).- The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
refers to the informational detail of the Procedures in subsequent servicing trips. Blank input for this field will not be valid. -
is the date and time that the Procedure takes place. It accepts inputs in the form ofdd/MM/YYYY HH:MM
, e.g. 20/03/2022 11:30. -
refers to the cost of Procedure that will be charged to your Client. It must be greater than $0 and less than $100 million dollars. The rationale behind a cap for cost would be to prevent technicians from inputting numbers that are too large by accident. Contracts that technicians handle on a day-to-day basis are generally small scale and would be less than $100 million. - The
, or theCOST
field must be filled up for this command to run. - If the Client already has an identical Procedure, the application will inform you that the Client already has this Procedure.
- An identical Procedure refers to a Procedure that has the exact same information, date and time, and cost.
- After the Procedure is successfully edited, all procedures will be auto-sorted, in ascending order, based on the date the Procedure will take place.
- If the Procedure Panel was showing the Procedures of another Client prior to executing this command, it will now show the Procedures of the Client that has their Procedure deleted.
In Command box:
editProc 1 2 i/Fix Router d/31/03/2022 09:50 c/67.25
- Result shows:
Edited Procedure: Information: Fix Router; Date: 31/03/2022 09:50; Cost: $67.25; Completed: true. From client: MINISO, at 3155 Commonwealth Ave W, #03-56-58.
- Result shows:
Before Command:
After Command:
View All Clients: list
Lists out all the Clients saved in your Networkers database.
This feature is commonly used to list all the Clients after executing find
No secondary information is required.
Format: list
refers to the command to list all Clients saved in your database.
- After using the
command, you can use this feature to see all the Clients again. - If this command is used after the
command, the Procedure Panel will feature the Procedures from the previously found Client (if any).
In Command box:
- Result shows:
Listed all clients.
- Result shows:
In Application:
View All Procedures of a Client: listProc
Lists out all the Procedures related to a Client.
Format: listProc <CLIENT INDEX>
refers to the command to list all the Procedures related to the specified, and existing, Client. -
refers to the ordering number of the Client displayed on the Client screen.- The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
In Command box:
listProc 3
- Result shows:
Procedures successfully loaded.
- Result shows:
In Application:
View all Procedures scheduled on a specified date: listProcOn
Lists out all Procedures, including the associated Client as per Procedure, that are scheduled on a specified date.
Format: listProcOn <DATE>
refers to the command of listing out all Procedures on a specified date. -
is in the format of dd/MM/YYYY, e.g. 26/03/2022.- An error will be thrown if the date is invalid.
In Command box:
listProcOn 06/06/2022
- Result shows:
Listing Procedures on requested date: 1. Information: Back up their employee data to the cloud database; Date: 06/06/2022 09:55; Cost: $230.00; Completed: false Master Fix Services, located at 3155 Commonwealth Ave W, #B1-10 2. Information: Back up their employee data to the cloud database; Date: 06/06/2022 09:55; Cost: $230.00; Completed: false Mr Bean, located at 3155 Commonwealth Ave W, #B1-K13 3. Information: Extend international warranty of modem; Date: 06/06/2022 12:25; Cost: $195.00; Completed: false Optical 88, located at 3155 Commonwealth Ave W, #05-27
- Result shows:
In Application:
Calculate the cost of all Procedures on a specified date: calculate
Calculates the cost of all Procedures that happen at any time on a specified date.
Format: calculate <DATE>
refers to the command of calculating the cost of all Procedures on a specified date. -
is in the format of dd/MM/YYYY, e.g. 23/03/2022.- An error will be thrown if the date is invalid.
In Command box:
calculate 06/06/2022
- Result shows:
Total Cost: $655.00
- Result shows:
In Application:
Marking a Procedure of a Client as Completed: mark
Marks the target Client’s target Procedure as completed.
refers to the command of marking a Procedure as completed. -
refers to the ordering number of the Client displayed on the Client screen.- The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
refers to the ordering number of the Procedure displayed on the Procedure screen.- The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
Example: In Command box:
mark 1 5
- Result shows:
Procedure successfully marked as complete.
- Result shows:
In Application:
Unmarking a Procedure of a Client: unmark
Marks the target Client’s target Procedure as not complete.
refers to the command of marking a Procedure as not completed. -
refers to the ordering number of the Client displayed on the Client screen.- The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
refers to the ordering number of the Procedure displayed on the Procedure screen.- The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
Example: In Command box:
unmark 1 5
- Result shows:
Procedure successfully unmarked.
- Result shows:
In Application:
Locating Clients by Name: find
Finds Clients whose names contain any of the given keywords.
refers to the command of finding Clients whose names fit the given keywords. - The search is case-insensitive. e.g.
apple inc
will matchApple Inc
- The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g.
Inc Apple
will matchApple Inc
- Only the name is searched.
- Only full words will be matched e.g.
will not matchApple Inc
- Clients matching at least one keyword will be returned. e.g.
will returnApple Inc
,Google Inc
In Command box:
find Fix
- Result shows:
1 client(s) listed!
In Application:
- Result shows:
Clear All Clients: clear
Clears all Clients and their respective Procedures currently recorded in Networkers.
Format: clear
refers to the command of clearing all Clients and their respective Procedures in the application.
In Command box:
- Result shows:
Address book has been cleared!
- Result shows:
In Application:
Exiting the program: exit
Exits the program.
Format: exit
Command Summary
Command | Syntax | Example |
Add Client | addClient n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER e/EMAIL a/ADDRESS l/PLAN [t/TAG]... |
addClient n/Apple p/91234561 e/ a/311, Bedok Ave 3, #01-15 l/Plan 50GBps t/corporate |
Delete Client | deleteClient <INDEX> |
deleteClient 1 |
Edit Client | edit <CLIENT INDEX> [n/NAME] [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [l/PLAN] [t/TAG]... |
edit 1 n/Apple |
addProc 1 i/Install modem c/10.5 d/20/03/2022 11:30 |
Delete Procedure | deleteProc <CLIENT INDEX> <PROCEDURE INDEX> |
deleteProc 1 3 |
editProc 1 2 i/Fix Router d/31/03/2022 09:50 c/67.25 |
List All Clients | list |
list |
List All Procedures of a Client | listProc <CLIENT INDEX> |
listProc 1 |
List All Procedures on Specified Date | listProcOn <DATE> |
listProcOn 23/05/2022 |
Calculate Cost of Procedures (on specific date) | calculate <DATE> |
calculate 23/02/2022 |
Clear All Clients | clear |
clear |
Find Clients by Keyword | find KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]... |
find Apple Inc |
Mark Procedure as complete | mark <CLIENT INDEX> <PROCEDURE INDEX> |
mark 1 1 |
Unmark completed Procedure | unmark <CLIENT INDEX> <PROCEDURE INDEX> |
unmark 1 1 |
Exit program | exit |
exit |
Why is The Command Not Working?
There are several cases in which you might face errors when entering a command:
- Typing in the command word wrongly (e.g. typing
instead oflist
) - Typing in wrong number of inputs (e.g. typing
ordeleteClient 5 2
instead ofdeleteClient 2
) - Typing in letters for numbers or vice versa (e.g. typing
listProc hello
instead oflistProc 1
) - You entered the correct command but with invalid inputs (e.g. typing
deleteProc 1 10
when there is no 10th Client)
The corresponding error messages will be displayed in the result box, so do take a look at them.